Cost of Hypnotherapy Session: $100.00 Per Session
Our hypnotherapy pricing is session based and each session is an hour long. First session usually takes longer than an hour due to Counseling involved. We keep our price at a low cost of $100 per session.
Note: We do not accept insurance.
Hypnotherapy Procedure
1. Client is asked a series of questions related to the purpose of visit and the factors influencing the issue. All information is kept confidential.
2. Therapist then explains how hypnosis works and what to expect from the session and how to co-operate with the therapst during the session to get the maximum benefit from the session.
3. The client is then sent into relaxation using various induction methods. Takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
4. Therapist then gives the positive suggesstions based on the client's presenting issue. Depending on the kind of client the therapist chooses what type of suggesstions best suit the client.
5. Client is then counted out of hypnosis and feels fully awaken and refreshed.
6. After the client leaves the office, the therapist makes a personalized recording for each client and sends the recording as an mp3 file via email to the client so that the client can use it as a reinforcement session.